Streamloots HOWTO

Table of contents:


Initial setup

Configuring card interactions

Enable it


Streamloots Command list

Companion commands

Commands for spawning enemies

Commands for spawning critters etc

Commands for giving stuff

Commands for triggering stuff


Sir Whoopass has a Streamloots integration that can listen for cards being played during the stream,

and can trigger certain actions in the game as a response. See below for instructions on how to set this up! In the end is also a list of all available commands, for reference.

Initial setup

  1. Login to Streamloots
  2. Create a new card collection, e.g. “Sir Whoopass Cards” (or, you can use an existing collection)
  3. Navigate  to “Alerts & Widgets” on the left side
  4. Click “Go to Alerts”
  5. Copy the alerts URL by clicking “Copy

  1. Switch to Sir Whoopass, open the main menu by pressing ESC (if it isn’t open already)
  2. Navigate to Settings → Streaming
  3. Click on the “Alerts URL” text field and paste the copied text in there
  4. Click on the “Username” text field and enter your Streamloots username in there
  5. A moment after this, the “Card Collection” dropdown control should appear, containing your
    Streamloots card collections.
    It should look similar to this when done:

  6. Done! Now Streamloots cards can be created and mapped to Sir Whoopass commands.

Configuring card interactions

After the initial setup, Streamloots card interactions can be configured to trigger commands in Sir Whoopass:

  1. To create a new Streamloots card interaction, press the “Add” button
  2. This will create a new row where you can select a card, a command and specify any arguments. Here is an example where a Streamloots card named “SpawnOrcHipster” is mapped to the command “Spawn Orc Hipster Enemy”. And the “2” in the arguments specify the number of Orc Hipsters that should be spawned:

    If no argument is entered, 1 is the default. Arguments apply to “spawn” commands and “give” commands, specifying the number/amount to spawn or give. One could have different cards for spawning different number of enemies, e.g. one “Spawn 5 Orc Hipsters” card and one “Spawn 10 Orc Hipsters” card, both mapped to the “Spawn Orc Hipster Enemy”-command, but with different amounts.
  3. Repeat the steps above for as many cards you like. If you create new cards in Streamloots, the “Card name” drop down list needs to be updated with the new information. This is done by pressing the “Load cards” button:

Enable it

When card interactions have been configured, it needs to be enabled (menu → Settings → Other):

  1. Press enable:

    (if you exit the game and restart it, this needs to be enabled again)
  2. Exit the settings, start streaming and play the game! It should now listen for when cards are played and act accordingly.
  3. Have fun (NOTE: see disclaimer below)🙂


This is software, and we cannot promise there won’t be bugs. Please test yourself with “Test card” in Streamloots initially, to make sure it works before selling any stuff. Thanks 🙂

Streamloots Command list

Companion commands

Spawn Melee Companion

- Spawns companion(s) with melee attack

Spawn Ranged Companion

- Spawns companion(s) with ranged attack (throws fireballs)

Spawn Shotgun Companion

- Spawns companion(s) with a shotgun

Spawn Loot Companion

- Spawns loot companion(s) that runs around smashing stuff

Companion Fight

- Makes all spawned companions start fighting each other

Commands for spawning enemies

Spawn Orc Noob Enemy

- Spawns “Orc Noob” enemy(s)

Spawn Orc Hipster Enemy

- Spawns “Orc Hipster” enemy(s)

Spawn Orc Warmaiden Enemy

- Spawns “Orc Warmaiden” enemy(s)

Spawn Orc Shaman Enemy

- Spawns "Orc Shaman" enemy(s)

Spawn Cupcake Enemy

- Spawns "Cupcake" enemy(s)

Spawn Orc Sneaker Enemy

- Spawns "Orc Sneaker" enemy(s)

Spawn Flamboyant Orc Enemy

- Spawns "Flamboyant Orc" enemy(s)

Spawn Orc Commander Enemy

- Spawns "Orc Commander" enemy(s)

Spawn Shotgun Knight Enemy

- Spawns "Shotgun Knight" enemy(s)

Spawn Carl-Gustaf Enemy

- Spawns "Carl-Gustaf" enemy(s)

Spawn Boner Enemy

- Spawns "Boner" enemy(s)

Spawn Sneaky Boner Enemy        

- Spawns "Sneaky Boner" enemy(s)

Spawn Magical Boner Enemy

- Spawns "Magical Boner" enemy(s)

Spawn Billy-Bob Enemy

- Spawns "Billy-Bob" enemy(s)

Spawn Kenny No-Balls Enemy

- Spawns "Kenny No-Balls" enemy(s) (boss)

Spawn Sven-Olof Enemy

- Spawns "Sven-Olof" enemy(s)

Spawn Pennydumb Enemy

- Spawns "Pennydumb" enemy(s) (boss)

Spawn Big Boi Enemy

- Spawns "Big Boi" enemy(s) (boss)

Spawn The IRS Guy Enemy

- Spawns "The IRS Guy" enemy(s)

Spawn Big Daddy Grööt Enemy

- Spawns "Big Daddy Grööt" enemy(s) (boss)

Spawn Angry Goat Enemy

- Spawns "Angry Goat" enemy(s)

Commands for spawning critters etc

Spawn Chicken

- Spawns chicken critter(s)

Spawn Cow

- Spawns cow critter(s)

Spawn Pig

- Spawns pig critter(s)

Spawn Health Gnome

- Spawns garden gnome(s)

Spawn Pinjata

- Spawns loot goblin gnome(s)

Commands for giving stuff

Give Catuccino

- Gives the player cup(s) of Catuccino

Give Delicious Grog

- Gives the player grog potion(s) (beer)

Give Gold

- Gives the player gold

Give Fire Ammo

- Gives the player fire ammo

Give Egg

- Gives the player egg(s)

Commands for triggering stuff

Set Day Time

- Changes time of day to mid day

Set Night Time

- Changes time of day to midnight

Set On Fire

- Sets the player on fire

Shark Attack

- Triggers a shark attack(!)

Set Health To 1

- Sets the players’ HP to 1

See No Evil

- Turns the player blind for a while

Turtle Mode

- Makes the player move slowly for a while

Shrink Mode

- Makes the player small for a while

Bulk Mode

- Makes the player big for a while

Drunk Mode

- Makes the player drunk for a while (5 stages possible)

Soaked Mode

- Drops acid rain upon the player